Wednesday, May 11, 2016

Want More Customers? Go "M-Drive"

One thing is for certain:  Mobile marketing works.  And it's NOT ROCKET SCIENCE.

In 2 just-published case studies (on 2 particular "anonymized" clients), VIBES (national mobile marketing company, with "Fortune 500" clients) reported that 12% of saved mobile coupons were redeemed in-store.  That's impressive.  Especially when you consider that coupons have a pretty predictable redemption rate that hovers around 1%. (Both case studies.)

What's more impressive is that that 12% redemption drove $18,500,000.00 for just one business. (Both case studies.)

Even more impressive is that that 12% redemption drove that $18,500,000.00 in less than one year.   (One of the case studies on one "anonymized" client.)

At least as impressive is that average mobile subscriber spends $322 more per year than the average non-mobile customer. (The other case study on the other "anonymized" client.)

"Impressive" might not be an adequate description.  "Stunning" comes to mind.

But the point is, mobile marketing works.

If you're thinking "Of course it works for "Fortune 500" companies" (and why wouldn't you?), let me ask:
Don't your customers have smartphones?

Your answer to that question is vitally important, because both of these case studies show that *mobile* "calls-to-action" ("CTA's") are what drove more than $18,500,000.00!

And how those *mobile* "calls-to-action" were delivered to customers' smartphones. In both case studies, they
  • allowed customers to select their own mobile messaging preferences;
  • personalized communications; customers thought each message was meant just for them — because it was; by,
  • including
    • exclusive offers;
    • on key dates
to build a strong mobile relationship and drive consistent engagement.


You can do the same thing, the same wayusing the same tools, that VIBES' "Fortune 500" clients used.

NOTE: You probably won't generate $18,500,000.00 (If you do, we'll have to talk...).  One of VIBES' "anonymized" clients had 2,000 locations.  You probably have one.  So, knock three zeroes off.

Can 12 times as much in-store redemption get your small business and additional $18,500.00?

It's easy to find out.  Go "M-Drive".

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