Tuesday, July 26, 2016

How To Build And Maintain More Customer Loyalty

It's a great article.  

And it contains great advice.  But it was written for "e-commerce" businesses (and Amazon's getting the bulk of that), and I write for small local businesses. I had to... adapt the gist of it for small local business purposes. 

The basic process is the same, and we can help small local business put that in play with Smart Marketing for SmartphonesTM

Every small business owner knows LOYALTY is a core requirement.  Getting new customers is only a start. You have to nurture them.  You want - your NEED - loyal customers. 
Because loyal customers increase your profits by 25 percent to 95 percent.

Opinions vary on the cost of getting a new customer.  According to some, it costs as "little" as six to seven times more  to get a new customer than it to keep a current one. But others believe that range is much larger - from 5 to 25 time more.

But what everyone pretty much agrees on is that LOYALTY IS THE KEY.

Every service we offer is geared to help small local businesses achieve that goal.  And here are 6 Ways:

1. Institute A Mobile Loyalty Program

We can provide a small business "points-based" #rewards card, #coupons, and #punchcards to customers' smartphones,  deliverable onsite, in print, by text, through QR and NFC, by email, and through social media networks such as Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram. They can also be delivered on your own website, and through social wifi.  And - unlike paper - your customer can SHARE that mobile wallet promotion.  Any of our mobile wallet loyalty program provides you with customer-specific  data on what they bought, when, where, and more.  website, social wifi and social media data can give you age, gender, and a connection to their friends.  With geo-fencing and beacons, you can reach out with lock-screen messages when they're close, and again when they come in.

2. Engage through Social Channels

We can provide expert assistance with social media to helps you stay more engaged with your customers, to maintain customer satisfaction and loyalty and (if necessary) respond to customer complaints. More rewards points, another coupon, a free "punch", can all be delivered easily and quickly.

3. Make Customers Advocates

Reward customers for promoting your small business (some already do, so start with them).  Make them your "affiliates" for the cost of more rewards points; another coupon; a free "punch".

4. Use Email

Email is still the #1 marketing channel, beating all others (even search and social). Email marketing can be effective for everything discussed so far. Newsletters, thank yous, surprises, redemption reminders, and exclusive offers (and don't forget rewards points; coupons; and free "punches").  And most emails are read on smartphones.

5. Remember Their Birthday

3 out of 4 customers who received a "Happy Birthday" thought more highly of that company, and that translated into increased loyalty.
Not sure how to ask for this information?. Reward them with more rewards points; another coupon; another free "punch".

6. Make The Total More than The Sum Of The Parts

"The experts" call it "omni-channel".  And it’s just as much a necessity for small local businesses as it is for national and multi-national brands. Today's customers are mostly mobile.  And they want what they want at the moment they decide they want it. They want it convenient. And delivering exactly the message they want at the exact moment they're open to it is easier than you think.
  1. "NEW BUYER" just decided they want what you provide, and they search for that close by.  ("Near me" searches have increased 146% year over year, and 88% are mobile searches).  THEY FIND YOUR MOBILE WEBSITE.
  2. "NEW BUYER" comes in to buy what they just decided they want.  AND THEY SEE YOU PROVIDE FREE WIFI.  Better yet, they can get on your free wifi by clicking a social media icon.
  3. "NEW BUYER" sees an incentive to "LIKE" your small local business (like rewards points; a coupon; a free "punch" on a mobile punchcard).
  4. "NEW BUYER" is taken to a special page to download your mobile offer onto their smartphone.
  5. "NEW BUYER" BUYS what they just decided they wanted, and gets a great deal!  "NEW BUYER" decides they like your small local business.
  6. "NEW BUYER" gets an email from you - thanking them  for their business, and offering an incentive (like rewards points; a coupon; a free "punch" ) to come back to your small local business, soon.
Nurturing loyal customers is not as simple as it used to be. But we can help your small local business engage them at every opportunity.
CALL or TEXT 602-618-6626 to put Smart Marketing for SmartphonesTM to work for you.  Learn more here.

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