Tuesday, September 6, 2016

“Failure Is Not An Option.” But It IS A Choice.

Which excuse is good enough? Which is acceptable? To you?

This blog contains numerous posts about how #mobilemarketing can and will impact local small businesses more powerfully than it has large businesses; “brands”.

Several posts cover how it already has. Some of those – perhaps most – arose from article by “bigtime” writers, writing about “bigtime” marketers, seeing local small businesses cutting into “big business” profits.

Several posts have been about the fact that almost sixty percent of local small businesses still don’t have a website; how a large percentage of those that do have only achieved last years “standards” for mobile accessiblity, even though others have related that most “online search” happens on mobiles. That, too, started last year.

The technology doesn’t “require” local small businesses to “go mobile”. But more and more of your market does.

 Your choice. Just like it’s your choice to spend your time watching videos (hopefully, as inspiring as this one):
WARNING: This video contains language that will be “offensive” to some. 
 (and there’s even some cussin‘!)


Watch it anyway.


 Local Motive Marketing is proud to announce becoming the “title sponsor” of Entrepreneurs’N Fuego,debuting on KFNX 1100 on Sunday, September 25th. It’s on early (but if you’re an entrepreneur, you’ll be up anyway). Check out their YouTube page to get a sense of what to expect. 

Local Motive Marketing. Providing locals with motive to spend local with Smart Marketing on Smartphones.


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