Thursday, June 9, 2016

The POWER of Local Small Businesses

I've commented, several times, about how those who write about "Marketers" aren't writing for you, the local small business owner. HERE and HERE and HERE 

That those who have the "big data" don't know how to use it, or what to do with it. HERE  

Just a few days ago, I posted about a just published article revealing that the "experts" don't even trust their own data.  And  that you understand that nearly ALL of what the writers are writing is for big, national companies and really doesn't apply in our local small business world.

I've written about how these very fine authors don't even understand the word, "local" HERE, lamented about "last year's data" being published as if it's still relevant HERE, and how a bare majority of small business websites have "caught up" to last year's standards.  (NOTE: This not really their fault.  These authors, and their publications, can't publish "results" until those results are calculated, and the speed at which life and business are moving means that the information is already "old" before it's even published.)

I've expressed my disappointment that that bare majority is a majority within a minority, because almost 6 out of 10 "very small businesses" don't even (YET!) have their own website HERE, and the unseen impact that is having on those "VSBs".

And just moments ago, I read a new article that validates what I've been telling you.  Even that "bare majority  within a minority" - the 52% of the 41% of small local businesses that have a website are making "the big dogs" sit up and take notice.  Local business reviews are "influencing" search "click-throughs" enough that this new article suggests that franchise and multi-location companies (in other words, NOT "local")  "need to have a strategy".

Be proud.  Your presence - the presence of local small businesses - is being felt in the marketplace.

CALL US. 602-618-6626. TEXT US.  SEND US AN EMAIL  Let's sit down together and go over your marketing.  We might even be able to give you a few tweaks that'll make it work a little better.

And if you CHOOSE to add "mobile" to your marketing mix, we'll be happy to oblige.

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