There's good news and bad news. The good news is that like certain "pine trees", you too, Mr. or Ms. Small Local Business Owner, have "got a name". It's "VSB". Not exactly an acronym, it's a designation we just came across for "Very Small Businesses".
Congratulations! Your existence has been validated. It's out there, and we found it.
The bad news is that the Street Fight article we found it in discusses a staggering statistic: apparently, 59% of you "still don't have websites", and this is "becoming" a problem. Cost and "lack of technical expertise" are typical reasons. The answer suggested is for you small local businesses (sorry, "VSBs") without websites to "get listed" on directory sites, so that you can still be found online by potential customers.
That could work. It does have the potential benefit of being "free". But we all know that "free" has inherent costs. First, you, the small local business owner (<sigh> "VSB" - we'll get used to it) have to make sure the directories you choose 'get lots of your vertical" (that means visits from people looking for what you have or do). That can be time-consuming. Next, you have to "make sure your data is correct". That sounds pretty simple, except that you, like most people, would probably think that "123 Any Street" and "123 Any St." - in the same city, in the same state - are the same business. The search engines don't. And if you have more than one phone number... Again, time consuming. And time is money.
Let us build a website that will do you justice no matter what device it's viewed on. It doesn't have to be expensive. Let us show you how to manage it. It doesn't have to be difficult. When people look for you, they'll find you.
All it takes is a call. You know where to find us.